Friday, October 5, 2012

Pre-Reading Week 6

  • As we've talked about in class about white having privilege and male privilege. Peggy McIntosh's article comes back to this pre-reading homework. Back in the late 1800s only white rich man can vote so I think in the society before, women are not allowed to vote and I think they don't have as much opportunities as males do. I'm a little bit confused about 'straight white women', but my point of view about the topic is they get a little opportunity like white folks do but not as much because back then I remember discussing about male only can get education while women stays at home. Straight black men before have the same opportunities and disadvantages as the 'straight white women' do. They couldn't get educational attainment and I remember when we discussed about the census all African American males and females are considered slaves. Which then they're considered about three-fifths of a vote.
  • When we make people of color bleach they're body to become white they might get the opportunity and the power to study but who would do that?! That's ridiculous. In the society, only white male have the power, unearned privilege, and the opportunity open at their hands. They are in the lowest difficulty level when it comes to having the power and doing what they wish. Probably if minorities tries to be a white person by changing their physical characteristics or their phenotype then the society wouldn't notice that they're a minority, and they might open doors for them but again as I was saying why would people of color or other minorities change their hair color, skin color, and different characteristics. 
  • Yes, white women have the same needs as black women does. I think when it comes to getting educated and other opportunities like getting more job, so they can also get benefits from the government. I believed that all women have the same needs. For queer Asian men and straight Asian men I also strongly believed that queer Asian men have similar needs as a straight Asian men. They need a normal job with a normal pay as men do. They need no discrimination from the society and they also need the privilege like males privilege get. Even though women and queer men are not the norm in the society as males view it I think they should get the same opportunities as the white male folks do.
  • I think people are granted only racial privilege. I remember one of Professor Elena's story about how pregnant women get the same water breaks or bathroom breaks as men. I believe that it's unjust because women especially when they're pregnant needed more bathroom breaks than males. Women most of the time doesn't have ability privilege. If all the working class people would only have racial privilege then it's going to be unfair with people who are incapable of doing a job right.
  • "Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference" Questions: What if there's no classification between men and women? How can we decrease the discrimination that women can only do housework and not office work or other work that men can do? 
  • "La Güera" Questions: How come women have to fight for their rights to have a job? What are some explanations that women is incapable of going to school?
  • "The Combahee River Collective Statement" Questions: How come African American women can't be part of the politics? Explain what is a "Black Feminists" beliefs. 
Word Count:  579

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kriselle,
    As usual I appreciate the the thorough nature of your blog, although I am somewhat confused about why you are talking about bleaching. Could you clarify?
    I think it is important to note, like I mentioned in class today, people can privilege for one thing, but then penalty for another. For example, I have racial privilege but not gender privilege. This is where intersectionality comes into play- it recognizes how all of these different pieces come together!
