Friday, October 19, 2012

Pre-Reading Week 8

  • Some of the public facilities like schools don't have access for the disabled. In contrast to some of the places like here at San Francisco State, there are class room designed for disabled, so that they can also attain education. But I still feel that I needed more information about this topic because I feel like I'm not that familiarize with this topic. 
  • Learning Disabled (LD) According to "Teens Health", Learning disabilities are problems that affect the brain's ability to receive, process, analyze, or store information. Their relationship to special education is that they need guidance for them to learn more or process information.
  • Mentally Retarded (MR) According to Wikipedia, Mental retardation (MR) is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors. It's relationship with special education is I think the same with the Learning Disabled, they needed assistance and more attention.
  • Emotionally Disturbed (ED) According to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Emotional Disturbance suffers from: An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors. 
  • I think people of color are over represented in special education classes because they are discriminated? I'm not sure why are they in special education classes. But I think that in the history people of color are not given the opportunity to study with the white folks and so as part of segregation they are put in special education. 
  • Race, class, and gender intersects with disability by segregating minorities and people of color. Honestly, I'm not sure how race, class, and gender intersects with disability. By segregating people of color or minorities it will change their life because they are discriminated and looked down upon. 
  •  I think Connor is pointing out that a normal abled-body is always white in the social construct while disabled-bodied, working class always refers to people of color. I remember the hierarchy of power always belongs to the white folks. I agree with what Connor stated because of the structural privilege, the whites are the only one accessible for all the opportunities in United States.
  •  With the standardized tests, English is the only language that they use so I thin there's going to be a language barrier and minorities who are taking the test would have a difficult time answering the questions right. The example that we did in class with Paola, when we tried answering the questions written in different languages, I felt confuse and probably because of the barrier then the people or minorities taking the test might fail and be qualified in special education.
  •  Word Count: 433 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kriselle,
    There a couple of things I really liked about this blog posting:
    1) The citations on your definitions- yay for not plagiarizing!
    2) Your openness about not knowing too much about disability issues; this kind of reflection means that you are open to learning, which is awesome!
    3) Your suggestion about segregation: the connors article makes the connection directly, be on the lookout for that.
    All in all, nice thinking in this blog. I hope you find the class this week interesting!
